Grouse Moor Licensing in Scotland:

The Scottish Government has launched a consultation regarding grouse moor licensing in Scotland as they propose to introduce legislation to regulate the industry.

Whilst the main thrust of arguments for a licensing system have come as a result of ongoing illegal raptor persecution it is important to remember that vast numbers (probably millions) of mammals are killed each year to enable the Driven Grouse Shooting Industry to produce birds for a small minority of individuals to shoot. Huge swathes of habitat are managed in a way that is detrimental to mammals (including humans) solely so a tiny group of individuals can enjoy themselves shooting large numbers of introduced birds.

It is highly likely that the shooting lobby will seek to hobble any legislation as much as possible and many of their members and supporters will be responding to the consultation. If you have a view on the licensing of the Driven Grouse Shooting Industry now is the time to let the Scottish Government know.

You can access the consultation and give your views here. Please do so if you can. The future of much of the Scottish moorlands is at stake.